Who am I?
Its just me and my kids.
Single Parent
Solo Parent
Single Mother
There are many titles to what I am. I like just being a mum.
Without my title as Mother I would not be here right now writing this blog.
Mother meaning so many things, to me it defines the roll that i'll now hold for the rest of my life.
The journey to becoming this Mother was not an easy one.
Starting with Birth Trauma, Baby Loss and eventually solo parenting.
Supporting others on their journey brought the strength I needed to find my own path and to stay true to who I am and in turn offer my children a more gentle life.
Making glass again after a long spell of rejecting my skills has been truly phenomenal.
Its a part of who I am, fully embedded in my DNA.
Since graduating from NCAD (National College of Art & Design) Dublin in 1998 I had worked for several years back and fourth between Seattle and Dublin.
Adventures in California and road trips beyond my wildest dreams.
When I was growing up I always thought that as you entered adulthood you became the person you want to be.
If you loved pop music, then you become a pop star.
If you love glassblowing then you go to to where the most exciting glass is being made.
I still stand by that now. Reach for the Stars..
There would be screw ups along the way. Life would be boring if it was all rainbows and glitter. We need the trauma's and trials to teach us.
Growing to love yourself and believing that you have what it takes to be brave and strive in this life is a powerful trait.
To say to yourself "I really Love You!"
Be your best friend. Respect your choices and admit your screw ups.
Most of all be open to the world around you.