Blog — Breastfeeding

How the Hell do you launch a Fund Raising Campaign?????

How the Hell do you launch a Fund Raising Campaign?????

I've had this idea for months, maybe even years now about raising funds to open a small hot glass studio of my own to make the glass.

I suppose up until now most people will have assumed I already have a workshop of my own. 

But alas I do not.

The truth is, if this campaign does not work then I have to stop making glass. 

(Shaping the hot glass)

Since 1998 it has been my dream to build my own hot glass studio, but I honestly never really saw this as a possibility until...

Support for the Glassblower

Support for the Glassblower

Landing in London on the 29th of May with my best friend in tow.

Leaving my kids with friends for 3 days and hoping they are fine as this is the first time I have ever gone so far from them. A plane ride away.

I felt anxious for a few reasons , but mainly I was concerned about leaving my kids. Not because the people who were caring for them were not able or willing. But because that's how the mommy guilt is.. You worry.

All was fine.

I hadn't been in Central London since 1997. So it had...

"Breastbowl & Kindestcup"

"Breastbowl & Kindestcup"

Mel believed in my skills and passion for lactation and glass and offered me the chance to revisit glass in a whole new way.