Blog — HELP!
Glass Breasts on Tour
As I am sure many of you know by now I am an Advanced Breastfeeding Counsellor as well as a Glass Artist.
I am also a qualified Doula, Infant Massage Instructor, Baby and Toddler Yoga instructor.
But, lets stay focused on the Breastfeeding Counsellor area.
What this entails is that since 2012 I began training in the area of lactation learning.
I began by training in Peer Support.
Shortly followed by training in the next level of support which is Breastfeeding Counsellor. I trained with Cuidiu (an Irish based charity formerly known as The Irish Childbirth Trust)
Qualifying in 2016...
Running a busy day to day life.
Two young kids and a small business to run it can be challenging.
Throw into the mix house hunting and building a studio and you have a slow process.
With the thrill of maxing the target with the kickstarter fund raiser the new challenge that I faced was finding a place to create the studio.
The set up is quite simple and will be set up at home. My biggest hurdle has been to find a house that has a garage. No easy feat when you want to move to Derry, my home...
It all comes down to this time.
The next 40 days are going to shine a light on what I offer here in this small corner of the world in Northern Ireland.
With its dwindling breastfeeding rates and lack of resources to support women in their most vulnerable time..Postpartum and scared.
My mission is to use my art to raise awareness around Breastfeeding here.
Shine a light on the magic of what our incredible bodies can do.
I want to celebrate the beauty of the...
How the Hell do you launch a Fund Raising Campaign?????
I've had this idea for months, maybe even years now about raising funds to open a small hot glass studio of my own to make the glass.
I suppose up until now most people will have assumed I already have a workshop of my own.
But alas I do not.
The truth is, if this campaign does not work then I have to stop making glass.
(Shaping the hot glass)
Since 1998 it has been my dream to build my own hot glass studio, but I honestly never really saw this as a possibility until...